
Liquid metal processing management help enterprises

The quality of metalworking fluids can better power processing, how to pass effective chemicals management to extend the use of metalworking fluids cycle, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing enterprise cost,
Has attracted more and more attention from enterprises.Selection of suitable liquid metal processing metal processing liquid emulsion for moderate to heavy duty cutting and grinding, semi-synthetic cutting fluid suitable for most mild to moderate load all types Superfinishingof cutting and grinding, synthetic cutting fluid is only applicable to light cutting load and mild to moderate grinding.
1 from the processing methods for the analysis of higher cutting speed roughing (such as turning, milling and drilling) requirements of cutting fluid has good cooling performance, this should be using semi synthetic cutting fluid and a low concentration of emulsion.In some precision high strength processing (e.g., broaching, tapping, deep hole drilling and processing gear), need cutting fluid has good lubricating property, can choose high extreme pressure emulsion.
2 from the use of tool analysis (1) tool steel tool: This tool heat temperature at 200 ~ 300 ℃, bad thermal stability, high temperature will lose hardness, thus requiring the cooling properties of the cutting fluid, with a low concentration emulsion as appropriate.(2) high speed steel tool: high speed rough cutting, large amount of cutting heat is generated, in order to avoid the workpiece burn and affect the quality of the product, should be used in cooling of synthetic or semi-synthetic cutting fluid; the use of high-speed steel cutting tools in machining, low speed, in order to reduce the friction between the tool and the workpiece, suppressing cutting aneurysm formation, generally take a high concentration of emulsion.(3) cemented carbide cutting tools: such tool melting point and hardness is higher, in general can be used in the processing of emulsion.If heavy cutting, the cutting temperature is high, easy fast wearing of the cutting tool, should be used at this time flow sufficient cooling and lubricating liquid, with 3% ~ 5% emulsion is appropriate (using spray cooling, is better.).(4) ceramic cutting tooSuperfinishingls, diamond and cubic boron nitride cutting tools: these tools higher hardness and wear resistance, cutting generally do not use cutting fluid, sometimes also can use the synthetic cutting fluid.Liquid metal processing costs accounted for about 7% ~ 17% total manufacturing cost, reasonable selection of cost-effective liquid metal processing can be the first step for the enterprise to reduce manufacturing cost.Cutting fluid maintenance and liquid control through good maintenance to extend the life of the processing liquid to reduce cost.In a liquid dispensing before confirming the machine and water clean, and then in the water tank by adding a certain amount of water, and according to the requirements of cutting fluid concentration slowly adding and stirring, until the appearance of uniform.Note: must in the clean water tank blending; must add oil into the water but not vice versa; diluent to adjust the concentration of.In actual use the following parameters will change to control: 1 appearance: appearance changes mainly by external contamination, grey or black primarily involving bacteria and metal particles caused by the saponification, iron processing in common; Brown is and saponification iron; in the liquid surface with creamy material suggests working liquid stability.2 concentrations: control more stringent than better, because of the high concentration of 1% ~ 2% set out under the condition of low running cost.PH: 3 new liquid usually in 9.2 ~ 9.5 between, in the processing of fast will drop to 9 ~ 9.2, every detection helps to extend the working fluid life, because the pH drop is a marker of bacterial infection.PH below 8.7 should adopt add antiseptic measures.4 miscellaneous oil: mainly comes from the machine tool hydraulic and lubricating system, will promote the growth of bacteria, affect the tool life andSuperfinishing the working fluid, should be controlled within 2%, available oil skimmer and centrifugal method to remove.5 of the total hardness of water: depends on the total content of calcium and magnesium ions, too high will affect the working fluid stability and foam level, thus leading to fatty acid soap consumption, we can add water softening or reverse osmosis membrane method to reduce the hardness hardness control, usually at 5 ° dH to 30 ° dH.6: high chlorine content can lead to rust and damaged the working fluid stability, should be controlled within 150PPM, can be added to soften water and concentrated liquid solutions.7: high conductivity can lead to rust and damaged stability of working liquor, affecting tool life.Should be controlled within 5000 μ S/cm, can take part replacement and add softened water solution.Therefore, the metal working fluid life depends mainly on the outside pollution and biological control, practice has proved, good maintenance can make the liquid metal processing prolonging 1 times, produce benefit remarkable.

