
The Superfinishing metal shaping tool

There are no high-strength steel. There is no high-strength tool if people encounter the word "steel", just as the term "high intensity" encounter. On the market, especially in the automotive industry, the increasingly strong demand for high-strength steels, and the need for better performance and economy. However, the wear in the process has been more serious. Processing of conventional high-strength steels tool life how long?Although these tools typically have surface expensive coating, but its life is not long enough. Until the new tool steel in order to ensure that the tool has a more economical, longer service life. For example, after the after heat treatment "integrated coating" on the tool can continue to be used for processing. Proposed new requirements necessary tool manufacturing and vehicle production process in order to continue to reduce the weight of the car. Metal processing requires the use of new high-strength materials and innovative tool, inSuperfinishing to achieve a controlled, inexpensive production process. For example, if people compare the proportion of high-strength steel used in the old and new generations Volvo S40 sedan, can clearly understand this. 
The previous generation S40 sedan using a total of 36.4% of the high-strength steel, the rest are conventional steel. Despite the use of high-strength steel in the new generation of cars in S4O proportion decreased to 31.3%, but the use of the proportion of ultra-high-strength and ultra-high-strength steel rice has reached 22.8%. That is, the proportion of the high strength steel sheet used in the new generation of S40 sedan in total has reached 54.1%. But it needs to be pointed out that so far do not have a uniform definition of high-strength steel and ultra-high strength steel. The most common definition of the base by Volvo Cars, and SSAB United Fat City standards, according to the strength of the standard high-strength steel should be 340 ~ 60OMPa, the strength of the ultra-high-strength steel rice should be 600 to 800 MPa ultra-high strength steel strength should be at least 800MPa. Processing of these plate means facing many new challenges. In order to processing the new high-strength steels. Would first need a higher pressure is applied on the press, and the corresponding change in the design of the tool. While increasing the feed rate of the tool, in order to reduce the number of stations, to improve the economy. Furthermore, we need to reduce the "danger" of lubricant use, or simply stop using the lubricant. The funds invested in the metal forming tools are usually more than the the tool belongs machine investment. Into the Optional regular chanting of tools and materials in the molding of high-strength steel can reduce costs. When people seriously consider forming tools, the need for a substantial increase friction, cutting force and forming force.
This will in the molding process of the conventional steel village produce very high pressure. Statistics about the tool can be found with the use of steel, the most over the past decade Superfinishingused 1.2379 steel; higher quality using powder metallurgy, is the most commonly used 1.3344PM. But whether these two materials can be more economical processing of high-strength steel? The answer is complex, you need to consider the relationship between the processing batch and part geometry, high-strength steels for tool manufacturing new requirements, that is, the need for an easy to shape innovative material coating can extend the service life of the tool, only through continuous Debug tool to be able to get a better match between the tool, lubricant and workpiece material new system. Although this system can be used for many occasions, but not as widely they solutions. Even inside the Volkswagen Golf to install the latest engine it is impossible to win the F1 Formula One motor racing, this car is always the Volkswagen Golf, will never become racing, despite the Volkswagen Golf is undoubtedly excellent models in which the host level. When it comes to ultra-high-strength steel and ultra-high strength steel molding, if it comes to the tool manufacturing F1 race. Another is necessary is that the coating at any time only as to improve the means of optimization of the tool performance, and the production of the coating process requires a relatively large investment in additional. Of course, but also provide a tool does not require coating material on the market. Without coating material such as Swedish tool manufacturer Uddeholm Corporation (www.uddeholm.com) production Vaneron 40 tool can exponentially improve the overall economy of the process, because the removal of the old coating, grinding, polishing , create a new layer of Xu process incur additional charges. Knife manufacturer to respond to new requirements to provide what possibilities it? Standards for the processing of high-strength steel steel 1.2379 (D2) has two of the main reasons for the failure: cold surfacing (BUE, attached to the wear and tear) and cutting edge crack (fatigue damage). However, there are different solutions.Must develop an appropriate processing methods for different situations, such as part complexity, processing batch tool size, and other decisive factors will affect the tool. At this point, should provide the support of the other aspects. Now, by means such as PVD, CVD, or coating technology in the TD can be controlled cold surfacing generated, because the friction between the tool in the case of coating the surface and the workpiece material can be reduced. The disadvantage of this technique is that an arbitrary geometry can not be processed. In addition - as already mentioned coating needs to "maintenance", which will have a greater cost, therefore a need to develop an undesirable coating of steel. Avoid splashing phenomenon. Stamping boast song characteristic parameter of the work is often used as the reaction force of the standard to measure the tool steel to resist the splash phenomenon. This figure four tool steel, for example: orange the Caldie, dark blue for the Vanadis 4 Extre, gray Vancron 40, light blue conventional tool steel 1.379. 

China steel structure steel structure construction technology


